Robinson R44 Raven II
Leading Edge Flight Academy
Headset………..……...……………..…..Plug In
Clutch Circuit Breaker………..……….Pull up
Master switch………………....…….…........On
Carbon Monoxide Light……...…..Blinks twice
Oil press, ALT, GOV, AUX FUEL lights….On
Landing & Navigation lights...…...……..Check
Warning light test switches………...Push to test
Fuel quantity main/aux gages………Order Fuel
Master switch……………………………….Off
1. Upper Forward Cowl Doors – Right Side
Aux fuel tank quantity……….………....Check
Fuel filler cap……………………………..Tight
Aux fuel tank………………………….No leaks
Aux fuel drain…………………………..Sample
Gascolator drain………..………………Sample
Gearbox oil….…..…..……………Full, no leaks
Hydraulic system………..….Fluid full, no leaks
Rotor brake……….….……...Actuation normal
Flex coupling...…………...No cracks, nuts tight
Yoke flanges…………………………No cracks
Gearbox, hydraulic pump Telatemps…Normal
Control rod ends……....Free without looseness
Steel tube frame…………….….…...No cracks
All fasteners………..………….………. Secure
Tail rotor control………….….No interference
2. Main Rotor
Blades……....…..Clean and no damage/cracks
Pitch change boots……..…………...No leaks
Main hinge bolts…..….…Cotter pins installed
All rod ends……….…...Free without looseness
Pitch link jam nuts……………..………..Tight
Pitch link safety wire………..…………Secure
All fasteners…………………………..….Tight
Swashplate scissor…...No excessive looseness
Upper forward cowl doors…………..Latched
3. Lower Cowl Door – Right Side
Air box and duct……….…………..…...Secure
Engine sheet metal…….…………....No cracks
Fuel lines……………………………...No leaks
Oil lines………...…………No leaks or chafing
Exhaust system……………….…….No cracks
Throttle linkage………...….………...Operable
Cowl door………………………..…....Latched
4. Aft Cowl Door – Right Side
Oil cooler door………………………..Check
V-belt condition……………..……….Check
V-belt slack…………….…..………...Check
Sprag clutch………….....………...No leaks
Upper bearing………….…………No leaks
Telatemp – upper bearing……...…Normal
Flex coupling………...No cracks, nuts tight
Yoke flanges……………………..No cracks
Steel tube frame………………...No cracks
Tail rotor control…………No interference
Tailcone attachment bolts………...Checks
Cowl door………………………...Latched
5. Engine Rear
Cooling fan nut……Pin in line with marks
Cooling fan……………………..No cracks
Fan scroll………………………No cracks
Tailpipe hanger………………..No cracks
6. Empennage
Tail surfaces……………………No cracks
Position light………………………Check
Tail rotor guard………………..No cracks
7. Tail Rotor
Gearbox Telatemp………………..Normal
Gearbox……………...Oil visible, no leaks
Blades……….Clean and no damage/cracks
Rod ends………….Free without looseness
Pitch link jam nuts………………….Tight
Teeter bearings…………..Check condition
Teeter bearing bolt………..Does not rotate
Control bellcrank…Free without looseness
8. Tailcone
Skins…………………..No cracks or dents
Strobe light condition……………..Check
9. Cowl Door – Left Side
Engine oil………………………….7-9 qts
Oil Filter…………………Secure, no leaks
Compressor belt tension…………..Check
Battery and relay…………………Secure
Steel tube frame………………No cracks
Engine sheet metal……………No cracks
Exhaust system……………….No cracks
Cowl door………………………..Latched
10. Fuel tank (Main)
Filler cap…………………………….Tight
11. Fuselage Left Side
Baggage compartments……………Check
Removable controls……Secure if installed
Collective control……………………Clear
Seat belts…...Check condition and fastened
Doors………………..Unlocked and latched
Door hinge safety pins……………Installed
Landing gear………………………...Check
Ground handling wheel………….Removed
Position light…………………………Check
Static port……………………………...Clear
12. Nose Section
Pitot tube…………………………….Clear
Windshield condition………..Check/Clean
Fresh air vent………………………..Clear
Landing lights………………………Check
13. Fuselage Right Side
Baggage compartments……………Check
Seat belts…..Check condition and fastened
Aft door……………Unlocked and latched
Door hinge safety pins………….Installed
Landing gear………………………Check
Ground handling wheel………..Removed
Position light………………………Check
Static port…………………………..Clear
14. Cabin Interior
Loose articles…………Removed or stowed
Instruments/switches…….Check condition
Controls…………………..Check condition
Adjustable pedals………………Pins secure